Blog Post 1: The Whole Ball of Wax

This reading was very eager to make claims, but at the same time shutting down any claims that have been made. It seemed extremely political while the author was making attacks at things like religion, or any absolute truth. It reminded me of a liberal mindset that "accepts and affirms everyone" but does not "accept and affirm" those who do not "accept and affirm" everyone. Which puts a huge hole in their logic and the point they are trying to get across.

The author claims that, "It has no less purpose or meaning than science, religion, philosophy," etc. Wow. What a ginormous claim to make when the very next paragraph the author claims, "Art is a bridge to a new vision." It is just preposterous that a reader would listen to an author that discredits such long-standing ideas and then makes a claim that art is now the answer to changing the world. 

Lastly, the claim that art can change the world is extraordinary considering that art is also used as "'a vacation from the self,'". How would art change the world when it is just being used to distract one from reality. Its a backwards theory. If one is to truly change, the answer will not be found by running away from oneself. It will be by looking into oneself through the use of introspection. 


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